Browse Articles By Tag: writing a blog
All writers run into writer's block at some point in their writing lives. It can be really frustrating when you're just sitting there and can't think of anything interesting to write. In the high-paced world of blogging where you need to constantly write things in...
09.08.2013 · From LindaBrown
If you love to go hiking in your spare time, wouldn't it be nice if you could be paid by the mile? If you instead like to craft, you could take what you make and sell it at craft shows. The fact is that you can be paid for your love of blogging, you just need to know...
04.08.2013 · From LindaBrown
Are you a blogger? If you already have a blog or want to start one, there are a few things you need to know about blogging in order to be successful. Go over the following article for some helpful tips on how to become a successful blogger. (...)
03.08.2013 · From LindaBrown
Many people start a blog and think that it is easy to draw a lot of attention to it. The truth is, nothing is easy when you're competing with thousands of other people who have the same goal as you, to have lots of people read their blog. (...)
03.08.2013 · From LindaBrown
Blogging is one of the most popular activities on the Internet. Sometimes it seems as if almost everyone has a blog. Starting a blog is quite simple, but keeping your blog going and attracting an audience can be difficult. (...)
01.08.2013 · From LindaBrown
People love to use blogs as a way to get their message out to the world, but that doesn't mean they don't make mistakes along the way. The best way to avoid these mistakes is to learn about them, and this article was written to educate you on a few of the most common. (...)
31.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
If you're going to be a blogger, you're going to find out that this incorporates a variety of different things you must do. You need a solid plan to start, and you need to continue to familiarize yourself with the art of blogging and marketing. (...)
31.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
Starting a blog is one thing, but making sure it's of the highest quality and has readers is a totally different picture. If you want people to notice your blog, then there are many things that you have to think about as you start blogging. (...)
22.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
You've been posting away on your blog, tapping on all of the topics your readers find interesting, and then you hit an impasse. You can't think of something new to write about, but you don't want to start posting on the same old topics. (...)
21.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
When you first start blogging, you might be on fire with things that you want to talk about. However, as time goes on, you might get caught up with other things or just start to run out of steam. (...)
20.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
Everyone is really opinionated on the internet, however not everyone really has the ability to communicate their opinions in ways that are interesting and effective. In order for your blog to be an effective one and stand above the others, here are some skills you...
18.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
Are you thinking about launching your blog? Anyone can become a successful blogger as long as they know enough about their topic. Keep reading to learn more about blogging. What do you want to write about? It is best to choose a topic you know a lot about. (...)
18.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
There is no reason to put a huge amount of effort into designing, maintaining and then posting to a blog if no one actually reads what you write. Instead, you have to put your effort into marketing your blog so that new readers will visit and you'll end up with people...
11.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
Anyone who wants to tell the world about something, be it a product or an opinion or a cause, can use a blog to do so. That said, the blog has to find popularity to ensure that it is a success. (...)
10.07.2013 · From LindaBrown
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